Peleiadeo Akhileos |
A Blog of Wrath
LINKSWar is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. --John Stuart Mill Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. --Gen. George S. Patton If we don't want the world's wealth to be controlled by people with money then the alternative is to have the world's wealth controlled by people with guns. Governments have plenty of guns. --P.J. O'Rourke Beer is evidence that G-d loves us and wants us to be happy. --Ben Franklin
davidzarmi-at-hotmail-dot-com Archives ![]() The American Prowler Andrew Sullivan Daniel Pipes DEBKA: might be true. might be Mossad disinformation. Drudge Instapundit The Jerusalem Post The Jerusalem Report LA Examiner NRO The New Republic The Onion Reason Magazine Strategy Page The Volokh Conspiracy |
Friday, November 01, 2002
That's an interesting post. One thing i'll mention, is that a lot of ppl believe the misconception that Freud discovered the unconscious, repressed true nature of stuff etc. But the fact is that if you think about it just a tad you see that all these ideas were anticipated way before him. You already mentioned that it could even be traced all the way back to the idea of Original Sin. Additionally, you can see that these ideas could be found more immediately in what was going on at the time. The so-called Victorian age was repressing all this stuff that everyone knew was really there. And in literature the Gothic tradition can be traced back as far as Shakespeare and even the Bible; more immediatley to the plenty of Gothic novels being produced in the almost century and-a-half leading up to Freud. All of these stories deal with the dark, true, repressed, desires and sides to human nature way before Freud was born. If you read these novels (like Matthew Lewis's The Monk) it is apparent that everyone really knew all about the unconscious already. Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Apparently, 35% of married American women today keep their father's name... And the longer a woman has been out of college, the more likely she is to retain her surname, which makes perfect sense since she has already begun her professional career, assumedly. My mother took the middle road and retained her name for professional purposes, but not for family (especially as relating to the Jewish community) purposes... The 35% figure surprised me, though - this is a major chance in the American cultural landscape. The good news is that there are less weapons in the hands of federal agents, the bad news is that this was unintended - laptops, too. And these incompetents covered it up, too. I suppose I'm not one to speak, having a handgun "somewhere in my underwear drawer" at home... Then again I'm not being paid by my fellow citizens to protect them. If your favorite porn mag is misleading you with false promises of "the girl next door" and "all-natural" accoutrements, then maybe you can take a cue from these guys... Now obviously, gun control works, because if the axe-wielding Canadian had been a Glock-wielding Canadian, the German wouldn't be standing there choking anybody, eh? (Reference to Joe's 10/28 post.) Monday, October 28, 2002
You have to be careful when you e-mail Mr Hussein - apparently Bruce Schneier isn't handling his server security... But this has some really interesting information and brings up the question - can a company be prosecuted using interecepted e-mail communications? |